Thursday, November 10, 2011

What do you say?

With the upcoming holiday the debate will be back - Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. Today our cards arrived in the mail. This year they say "Happy Holidays". Our family says both, I just like Happy Holidays on the card we chose this year. Even Seasons Greetings has a nice ring to it. My least favorite is Xmas, it just looks like a lazy person is writing to me. It ranks right there with brb, rofl, b/c, jk, and many more of those code words people are using today.

It seems Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are all great times to spend with family and celebrate. I am thankful we usually spend time together with all of our families. Our children look forward to time with their cousins. My wish to all this year is for everyone to have a great holiday season and put others ahead of yourself. But the most important thing is to remember each day is a gift from God and we should cherish each day and follow His will.

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