This Tea was at the home of one of my closest friends and was intended for family and close friends. The bride spent most of the time laughing or crying. She cried for the first time when Mrs. Lee arrived. Mrs. Lee is a great friend of the family who the bride has only seen a couple of times since we moved 4 years ago. She said was just so happy to see someone she loves and looks up to so much. She cried again with the opening of gift from her Grandmother - they were gifts which had once belonged to her Great-Grandmother Grubbs. I will post more about that later.
Even though it is sad to see all that come to an end - I must admit I am glad to know this weekend is filled with finding a home for those new gifts in the house she will share with the groom once they marry. The groom has been living there since last July and he is learning to adapt to new items showing up each week.
I have cherished these times and can't believe in less than 4 weeks she will be married.
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