Saturday, January 15, 2011

Coupon crazy - updated

One of my new year goals was to take advantage of coupons, free samples and other offers. My coupons were bulging in my plastic organizer. I decided it was time for a coupon organization intervention.

I spent 9.98 plus tax to get organized. I recycled a binder here at the house and purchased two packages of baseball card protectors for three ring binders. Oh, and about an hour of time organizing them.

I found a free coupon workshop to be held on February 7th at 6:00 p.m. It will be in White House - leave me a comment if you want more information. I plan to go and would love for you to go too! If that date/time is not good for you - there is one just about every week in the Nashville or Middle Tennessee area.

I think this will not only help with shopping but with collecting coupons. I decided to organize the binder by the layout of the store I shop at most often. This seemed to work well today. All except for the two isles I had mixed up on in my mind.

So, today's outcome...well worth it.

$16.45 in manufacturer's coupons
$5.00 in doubled coupons
$35.73 in store savings

$57.18 total savings 41% off my total bill

$87.14 was my final bill.

I definitely will keep using my binder. I was able to use unplanned coupons with some amazing store sales.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

WOW! You did awesome. I am so horrible at coupons. Are you surprised? ;)

I am very good at sales, though, and I tend to plan meals around what's on sale. For example, if Kroger or Publix has a great deal on chicken breasts, I'll stock up. Yesterday at Publix there were a ton of BOGO deals that I took advantage of. Last year I organized my coupons and went to the big Harris Teeter double coupon sale and saved a ton.

Anonymous said...

that is wonderful! I have a lady coming to one of my job jams to teach my clients how to coupon for savings. I'm excited to learn more about it as well.
