Friday, December 30, 2011
Merry Christmas To Us
This year instead of buying gift for each other for Christmas and Anniversary (24 years!) we decided to make over our daughter's old bedroom. Since downsizing houses 4 years ago we have been short on entertaining space. We miss the size and roominess of our old house - but there is just something special living the home my husband's grandparents raised their family in. We feel very fortunate to both have childhood memories of this home.
We found furniture in November and an ultra-cool ottoman. We had decided to wait a while before purchasing a television for the room - but after find a good sale we went ahead and purchased it too. I am so pleased with how the room turned out. I will would like to find a couple more accent pieces for the walls, but other than that - here it is.....
Friday, December 23, 2011
All grown up
Sleeting - that is what it was doing 21 years ago. Or, so they tell me, I was not allowed outside. But I did receive a wonderful early Christmas present. Our wonderful daughter thought December was a better month to be born that her scheduled March. I have told her many times, she will do just about anything for a Christmas present.
She is a daughter any mother would be proud of. Happy Birthday to my wonder, loving, caring, and all grown up daughter!
Catch up time
I feel so behind in blogging. But with a few days off maybe I will catch up. We spent a few days in the mountains recently. The time was full of excitement - the trip was in celebration of our 24th anniversary, our friends who joined us celebrated their 18th anniversary, and our son proposed to a very sweet girl AND she said yes!
We are so blessed our son has found the girl of his dreams. She is such a sweet and kind person. We think she will make a great addition to our family. And the best thing about this wedding is we are the parents of the groom! Woo Hoo - not the parents of the bride this time. This should be so much easier. Oh, and for those who attended our daughter's wedding this summer - you will be glad to hear that the newly engaged couple plans to get married INDOOORS! Let's just hope they don't change their minds.
Here are a couple of pictures from the big weekend in the mountains.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Great Friends
They say when you are in a time of need you learn who your true friends are. This week our friends have really been there for us. There was a death in our extended family and friends have really stepped up to the plate. Either by calls of concern, texts messages that lightened our day or giving of their time and talents. With a funeral an hour and a half away where none of us live food will travel with us.
Our friends have cooked pies, breads, and main dishes. But probably the biggest sacrifice was the friends who came to help me cook tonight. Over 3 hours of cooking in overdrive . I think we dirtied every bowl in the house - twice. But with great friends here it was such fun. And at the end of the night we have memories. As a bonus she made her first successful chocolate pie. The look on her husband's face when he saw the towering meringue was only topped by the smile and nod with his first taste. Guess I will be sharing my Mama Trammell's pie recipe with her.
Thanks again Danny & Michelle!
Our friends have cooked pies, breads, and main dishes. But probably the biggest sacrifice was the friends who came to help me cook tonight. Over 3 hours of cooking in overdrive . I think we dirtied every bowl in the house - twice. But with great friends here it was such fun. And at the end of the night we have memories. As a bonus she made her first successful chocolate pie. The look on her husband's face when he saw the towering meringue was only topped by the smile and nod with his first taste. Guess I will be sharing my Mama Trammell's pie recipe with her.
Thanks again Danny & Michelle!
Monday, November 14, 2011
10 Days
10 Days until Thanksgiving.
The year seems to have flown by. But as I sit and reflect on the past 10 1/2 months so many things have happened.....
3 Bridal Teas for our daughter
Daughter's wedding (in the rain)
A trip to visit family in Texas
Knee surgery for my husband (complete with nasty Staph infection)
A new job for me
A new job for our son
A trip to the beach
Over all it has been a great year so far and I look forward to the next month and a half. No matter how busy and hectic the holidays become they are filled with time with family and frends and that make for great memories.
Happy Holiday season.
The year seems to have flown by. But as I sit and reflect on the past 10 1/2 months so many things have happened.....
3 Bridal Teas for our daughter
Daughter's wedding (in the rain)
A trip to visit family in Texas
Knee surgery for my husband (complete with nasty Staph infection)
A new job for me
A new job for our son
A trip to the beach
Over all it has been a great year so far and I look forward to the next month and a half. No matter how busy and hectic the holidays become they are filled with time with family and frends and that make for great memories.
Happy Holiday season.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
What do you say?
With the upcoming holiday the debate will be back - Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. Today our cards arrived in the mail. This year they say "Happy Holidays". Our family says both, I just like Happy Holidays on the card we chose this year. Even Seasons Greetings has a nice ring to it. My least favorite is Xmas, it just looks like a lazy person is writing to me. It ranks right there with brb, rofl, b/c, jk, and many more of those code words people are using today.
It seems Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are all great times to spend with family and celebrate. I am thankful we usually spend time together with all of our families. Our children look forward to time with their cousins. My wish to all this year is for everyone to have a great holiday season and put others ahead of yourself. But the most important thing is to remember each day is a gift from God and we should cherish each day and follow His will.
It seems Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are all great times to spend with family and celebrate. I am thankful we usually spend time together with all of our families. Our children look forward to time with their cousins. My wish to all this year is for everyone to have a great holiday season and put others ahead of yourself. But the most important thing is to remember each day is a gift from God and we should cherish each day and follow His will.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Girls Trip
This past weekend was the 2nd Annual Girls Trip. What fun we had too! Two from last year were not able to make it this year but another friend joined us. A few days away filled with laughter, walks on the beach, great food, and true friends was just the great start to the busy holiday season we needed.
We would love to tell you all about it, but what happens on the Girls Trip, well you know....
We would love to tell you all about it, but what happens on the Girls Trip, well you know....
Friday, November 4, 2011
November milestones
As I look forward to my husband's birthday in 9 more days I can't help to remember my dad's November birthday. He would have been 79 today. Both men have changed my life for the better. They never had the chance to know one another, but I believe they would have been great friends. I, on the other hand would have been out numbered. Those two would have conspired against me.
One constant reminder I of my dad I have is my son. He reminds me more each day of many dad, all the way down to those stick out ears.
Happy birthday month to two special men in my life.
One constant reminder I of my dad I have is my son. He reminds me more each day of many dad, all the way down to those stick out ears.
Happy birthday month to two special men in my life.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
A Nice Surprise
Today was our son's 23rd birthday. I made his cake last night, a Boston Cream Pie. With his new work schedule we don't see him much until the weekend, but everyone should have cake on their birthday.
His sweet girlfriend came over and made him homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch. (He had not felt well since having a flu shot this weekend.). She was kind enough to make enough soup for his dad and I to have for dinner tonight too.
It was a great surprise to have such a great dinner just waiting for us tonight. We also enjoyed a little of his cake too. He tried to tell us it wasn't good and he would make himself eat the whole thing by himself over he next couple of days. He is such a tease.
Happy birthday to our great son today!
His sweet girlfriend came over and made him homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch. (He had not felt well since having a flu shot this weekend.). She was kind enough to make enough soup for his dad and I to have for dinner tonight too.
It was a great surprise to have such a great dinner just waiting for us tonight. We also enjoyed a little of his cake too. He tried to tell us it wasn't good and he would make himself eat the whole thing by himself over he next couple of days. He is such a tease.
Happy birthday to our great son today!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
After being the target of someone's constant criticism and harsh words today, I plan to turn this into a positive.
My goal this week is to be kinder. With each person I am in contact this week, I hope to have and extra dose of kindness. We are never promised tomorrow and how sad it would be to spend our last days being mean and hurtful to others.
Hope everyone has a great week! I plan to.
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My goal this week is to be kinder. With each person I am in contact this week, I hope to have and extra dose of kindness. We are never promised tomorrow and how sad it would be to spend our last days being mean and hurtful to others.
Hope everyone has a great week! I plan to.
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Sunday, October 9, 2011
Apples, yum!
Two fall traditions are in the books at our house. Last week I made a fresh apple cake. I have written about this cake before. It brings back memories from my childhood and reminds me of my dad. He loved apples and most anything made from apples.
The second fall tradition also reminds me of my dad. I made fried apple pies this weekend. I also made a few peach ones as well. So yummy, and really not that difficult to make. Apple is my favorite fried pie flavor, how about you?
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The second fall tradition also reminds me of my dad. I made fried apple pies this weekend. I also made a few peach ones as well. So yummy, and really not that difficult to make. Apple is my favorite fried pie flavor, how about you?
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Thursday, September 29, 2011
Proud mom
I take way too many things for granted each day. There are so many blessings in my life. Tonight I was thinking of what great kids I have.
I am very proud of the adults they are today. I know they both have great potential in life and I can't wait to see where life's roads will take them.
Love you kids!
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I am very proud of the adults they are today. I know they both have great potential in life and I can't wait to see where life's roads will take them.
Love you kids!
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Bright idea - not
Me and my bright ideas. After a great IT Specialist left I suggested maybe we could keep up his monthly trainings. So, with the encouragement and assistance of coworkers tomorrow is the first training we are attempting.
It seems I am hosting a two hour training tomorrow. Luckily, two of my coworkers are presenting as well. I have a feeling all the techie stuff rests on my shoulders which has me nervous. Hopefully, all will work out with minimum problems.
What was I thinking when I suggested this would be a good idea?
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It seems I am hosting a two hour training tomorrow. Luckily, two of my coworkers are presenting as well. I have a feeling all the techie stuff rests on my shoulders which has me nervous. Hopefully, all will work out with minimum problems.
What was I thinking when I suggested this would be a good idea?
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Not just another day
Yesterday I turned 42 and great friends and family made my day extra special.
There were over 100 birthday wishes on Facebook. My twitter friends started early in the morning with well wishes too. (Seems we twitter peeps are early morning people.) Great friends called throughout the day. My kids called me and had cards for me. Flowers and lunch out at work was also a nice treat. But my great husband, my sister and her husband topped off the day with a great dinner out together.
Thanks to everyone who made my day so special. I hope to remember your birthday during the next year and make your day like you made mine. You have inspired me to do better. Thanks again!
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There were over 100 birthday wishes on Facebook. My twitter friends started early in the morning with well wishes too. (Seems we twitter peeps are early morning people.) Great friends called throughout the day. My kids called me and had cards for me. Flowers and lunch out at work was also a nice treat. But my great husband, my sister and her husband topped off the day with a great dinner out together.
Thanks to everyone who made my day so special. I hope to remember your birthday during the next year and make your day like you made mine. You have inspired me to do better. Thanks again!
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Friday, September 9, 2011
Vacation Top 10
Here is my top ten list of favorite things from this vacation.
10. Not working
9. Taking a nap on the beach
8. Eating FRESH seafood
7. Watching surfers in the afternoons
6. Strolling through Savannah
5. Watching dolphins in the wild from the shore
4. Seeing many Sand Dollars on the beach
3. Finding a Sand Dollar skeleton to bring home
2. Long walks on the beach
1. Spending time with the love of my life
We love the beach and this trip to Tybee Island was no disappointment.
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10. Not working
9. Taking a nap on the beach
8. Eating FRESH seafood
7. Watching surfers in the afternoons
6. Strolling through Savannah
5. Watching dolphins in the wild from the shore
4. Seeing many Sand Dollars on the beach
3. Finding a Sand Dollar skeleton to bring home
2. Long walks on the beach
1. Spending time with the love of my life
We love the beach and this trip to Tybee Island was no disappointment.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011
Down Time
One more work day for me and two more for my hardworking husband then it is a week of vacation time. It has been a year since we had some time away by ourselves.
Last fall we went on a great cruise together. This year we are headed back to the beach. After a year of transitions we are ready for some R and R. Sadly, our friends who had planned to join us aren't able to get away with us. Maybe next time....
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Last fall we went on a great cruise together. This year we are headed back to the beach. After a year of transitions we are ready for some R and R. Sadly, our friends who had planned to join us aren't able to get away with us. Maybe next time....
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Weird Schedules
One of us works Sunday to Thursday, one works Monday to Friday, and another works Tuesday to Saturday. Hours vary too, from 4:00 am to 2:30 pm, 8:00 am to 5:0 pm, and another 6:00 pm to 3:00 am.
Add to that some overtime for some and a daughter and son-in-law with also non-traditional schedules. Daughter not only works 30+ hours or so a week, but is also a full-time student.
Guess it might be Thanksgiving before we are all together again for some quality time.
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Add to that some overtime for some and a daughter and son-in-law with also non-traditional schedules. Daughter not only works 30+ hours or so a week, but is also a full-time student.
Guess it might be Thanksgiving before we are all together again for some quality time.
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Saturday, August 6, 2011
Cooking again
Those that know me, know I love to cook. It is a great stress reliever for me. The past few months it seems we have eating out more Than usual and I am on a mission to change that. Don't get me wrong, I love a good meal out as much as most people, but I enjoy cooking.
This week I have cooked much more than normal. We had company Monday and Tuesday nights. It was great have family over and spend time together. I hope all this cooking and enjoying meals together is a new trend for us.
Now back to the kitchen I go! I am thinking of something chocolate.
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This week I have cooked much more than normal. We had company Monday and Tuesday nights. It was great have family over and spend time together. I hope all this cooking and enjoying meals together is a new trend for us.
Now back to the kitchen I go! I am thinking of something chocolate.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
My New Job and other stuff
The main two questions I hear lately are: 1. How do you like your new job? and 2. How are the newlyweds? One of my best friends laughs at the second one as her daughter was married last year and she was repeatedly asked the same question. Now on the the answers.
The new job is fabulous! It technically is not all "new". As it is just at a new location with different coworkers. Working at the UT Extension Regional Office is more rewarding than I knew. I knew all my "new" coworkers and my job is similar to the old one - but with a few new responsibilities. I have to say it was probably my best career move ever. I am thankful for a few great friends who pushed me into pursuing that opportunity.
Now to the newlywed questions. I think they are doing great adjusting to married life. You can keep up with her over on her blog. The best thing I can say is the wedding was beautiful and I think it was just what she wanted - but the best part is it is OVER!
Our son is just finishing his second week of his two weeks of active duty with the Army National Guard summer drill, I am not sure what it is actually called. He has been at Camp Shelby. We are so proud of his service in the Army.
The countdown app on my iPad says it is 1 month 6 days 21 hours 23 minutes until we leave for vacation. We are returning to Tybee Island. It is one of the most peaceful and relaxing beaches we have found. Woo Hoo! We are looking forward to a few days on the beach with a couple of longtime friends. I am not sure who could use the time away us or them - but I think it is them.
I think that about updates you on most everything going on around our busy life right now. I will leave you with one of my favorite photos from the wedding - the bride and her brother.
The new job is fabulous! It technically is not all "new". As it is just at a new location with different coworkers. Working at the UT Extension Regional Office is more rewarding than I knew. I knew all my "new" coworkers and my job is similar to the old one - but with a few new responsibilities. I have to say it was probably my best career move ever. I am thankful for a few great friends who pushed me into pursuing that opportunity.
Now to the newlywed questions. I think they are doing great adjusting to married life. You can keep up with her over on her blog. The best thing I can say is the wedding was beautiful and I think it was just what she wanted - but the best part is it is OVER!
Our son is just finishing his second week of his two weeks of active duty with the Army National Guard summer drill, I am not sure what it is actually called. He has been at Camp Shelby. We are so proud of his service in the Army.
The countdown app on my iPad says it is 1 month 6 days 21 hours 23 minutes until we leave for vacation. We are returning to Tybee Island. It is one of the most peaceful and relaxing beaches we have found. Woo Hoo! We are looking forward to a few days on the beach with a couple of longtime friends. I am not sure who could use the time away us or them - but I think it is them.
I think that about updates you on most everything going on around our busy life right now. I will leave you with one of my favorite photos from the wedding - the bride and her brother.

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Camp Time
So many great memories from church camp through the years. From being a camper, a counselor, to later being an adult chaperone. I have never experienced such great intense relationship building with Christ as well as with other Christians as you do at church camp.
Our role is a little different again this year. We are not there every day - all day. Now that our children are older and no longer are at camp, we still go and help each evening. With camp actually being just down the road, that is no problem at all.
My prayers are with the campers, counselors, and adults this week. Stay call and hydrated everyone.
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Our role is a little different again this year. We are not there every day - all day. Now that our children are older and no longer are at camp, we still go and help each evening. With camp actually being just down the road, that is no problem at all.
My prayers are with the campers, counselors, and adults this week. Stay call and hydrated everyone.
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Saturday, July 9, 2011
Things that have brought me joy and happiness lately (in no particular order).
Beautiful wedding for our daughter and son-in-law
A fabulous new job
A bountiful garden
Great friends
Time with extended family recently
A loving husband
Plans for a trip to the beach with great friends
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Beautiful wedding for our daughter and son-in-law
A fabulous new job
A bountiful garden
Great friends
Time with extended family recently
A loving husband
Plans for a trip to the beach with great friends
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Sunday, June 26, 2011
Lime pickles
I had never enjoyed Lime Pickles until I started dating my husband. I think the first time I tried them was at his sister's house. I had no idea what I was missing. They are my favorite on a grilled hamburger or a sandwich.
They are pretty easy to make and for those who knew Grandmother Grubbs, you know she didn't mind helping me learn to make them. There is no telling how many questions she answered the first few summers I made them. I would call and she would walk me through what ever issue I was having with them.
As I finished a batch today, I just wonder how many quarts of those tasty pickles have been made in this kitchen. I am thankful for the many skills she passed down to me and countless others in this kitchen.
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They are pretty easy to make and for those who knew Grandmother Grubbs, you know she didn't mind helping me learn to make them. There is no telling how many questions she answered the first few summers I made them. I would call and she would walk me through what ever issue I was having with them.
As I finished a batch today, I just wonder how many quarts of those tasty pickles have been made in this kitchen. I am thankful for the many skills she passed down to me and countless others in this kitchen.
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Saturday, June 25, 2011
Bridal Portraits & Dress Shop

To see more check them out on Facebook. Portraits were taken by a local photographer, Christy Pierson. If you would like her contact information, please just comment on this post. Christy did an amazing job.
The dress was purchased at Sugar Drop in Brentwood. Jan and the team there are amazing. We could not have asked for a more wonderful experience in buying the dress. It was probably one of the more stress free purchases and decisions of the entire wedding. I would recommend them everyone!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
What's a little rain?
The dress was beautiful.
The rings fit to a tee.
The flowers were fresh and fragrant.
The food was delicious.
The guest were anxiously waiting.
The cake was delivered.
So what was missing? A little sunshine, but the rain didn't dampen the spirit of the bride or groom. With a long soaking rain set in for the day some thought all was over, but for the patient 200 or so in attendance, they witnessed two people begin their life together without a drop of rain during the ceremony.
As the bride said during the reception (while raining again), the rain was calming and seemed like showers of blessings.
I will post more about the big day complete with photos soon.
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The rings fit to a tee.
The flowers were fresh and fragrant.
The food was delicious.
The guest were anxiously waiting.
The cake was delivered.
So what was missing? A little sunshine, but the rain didn't dampen the spirit of the bride or groom. With a long soaking rain set in for the day some thought all was over, but for the patient 200 or so in attendance, they witnessed two people begin their life together without a drop of rain during the ceremony.
As the bride said during the reception (while raining again), the rain was calming and seemed like showers of blessings.
I will post more about the big day complete with photos soon.
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Friday, June 17, 2011
The Big Day
As I write this my little girl is packing the last few items for her honeymoon. In just a few hours she will be walking down the isle. Little did we know 20 years ago when she was born nearly 3 months early if she would live to see this day. Thankfully prayers were answered and she has grown into a beautiful woman.
Her father and I wish her all the best in this next chapter of her life. She may be all grown up and about to be a wife, but she will always be our little girl.
Now if the rain will only hold off until the afternoon.
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Her father and I wish her all the best in this next chapter of her life. She may be all grown up and about to be a wife, but she will always be our little girl.
Now if the rain will only hold off until the afternoon.
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1 Day
Tomorrow our daughter becomes a wife. She has grown into a beautiful young lady and her father and I are so proud of her. But before she walks down that isle there are just a few more things to do.
* Press all the linens and runners
* Prep the food
* Buy some ice cream
* Fold the programs (yes, we finally have them)
* And 100 other little things
All will be great tomorrow. We have been blessed with many great friends and family members who are helping us. Now if only the father of the bride and I had not stayed out way too late, but that was all my fault, and family is only here for a few days. We had a few memories to make this week ourselves.
Happy Friday!
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* Press all the linens and runners
* Prep the food
* Buy some ice cream
* Fold the programs (yes, we finally have them)
* And 100 other little things
All will be great tomorrow. We have been blessed with many great friends and family members who are helping us. Now if only the father of the bride and I had not stayed out way too late, but that was all my fault, and family is only here for a few days. We had a few memories to make this week ourselves.
Happy Friday!
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
2 Days
Oh me, it is getting closer. And, I could use a nap. Quite a bit was accomplished yesterday, but we need to make great strides today. The wedding programs are beginning to stress me out. Programs sent to the printers on Monday. Normally 24 hours for print work. Went to pick them up on Tuesday - all misprinted. Promised to reprint on Wednesday morning and call as soon as finished. I called on Wednesday afternoon - not reprinted. Would be reprinted immediately and call when ready. Well it is now Thursday morning and no phone call. I am going there first thing this morning. I still have to hand fold all 350 of them.
I refuse to let this minor hiccup spoil any of our joy this week. Just one of the reasons I planned for extra time on things.
Now to today's list.
* Cut greenery for flowers
* Dig out video camera and tripod
* Pick up her dress
* Begin arranging flowers
* Work on centerpieces some more
* Attend an unrelated surprise party
* "Visit" with the printer about the programs
* Hopefully fold the programs late tonight
Enjoy the day everyone, I plan to.
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I refuse to let this minor hiccup spoil any of our joy this week. Just one of the reasons I planned for extra time on things.
Now to today's list.
* Cut greenery for flowers
* Dig out video camera and tripod
* Pick up her dress
* Begin arranging flowers
* Work on centerpieces some more
* Attend an unrelated surprise party
* "Visit" with the printer about the programs
* Hopefully fold the programs late tonight
Enjoy the day everyone, I plan to.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011
3 Days
Did someone say 3 days? I feel like I should be panicking by now, but I am not. Who is this calm person, not the usual me that is for sure.
Day 3 list
* Pedicures and manicures for the Bride and me
* Deliver some items to the wedding location
* Pick up the programs (misprinted yesterday)
* Remind dress shop I will be there tomorrow
I have accomplished several extra things this week too. I just hope I am not forgetting major things to do. The one thing I can't forget is a surprise party tomorrow night. I will have to count on some great friends to pick up the slack when I leave for that party. Tomorrow afternoon will begin the major busy time at the wedding location.
Everyone have a great Wednesday. Hope you find time to attend mid-week church services. I know our family plans to make time for that.
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Day 3 list
* Pedicures and manicures for the Bride and me
* Deliver some items to the wedding location
* Pick up the programs (misprinted yesterday)
* Remind dress shop I will be there tomorrow
I have accomplished several extra things this week too. I just hope I am not forgetting major things to do. The one thing I can't forget is a surprise party tomorrow night. I will have to count on some great friends to pick up the slack when I leave for that party. Tomorrow afternoon will begin the major busy time at the wedding location.
Everyone have a great Wednesday. Hope you find time to attend mid-week church services. I know our family plans to make time for that.
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Monday, June 13, 2011
4 Days
A very productive day on Monday makes Day 4 a little easier.
* Wrap Flower Girl Gifts
* Purchase pop up tent canopy, on sale 1 day only
* Confirm actual site of wedding at the location
* Final W-M run, hopefully
* Confirm table & chair delivery
I have to admit I could not do all of this without the wonderful help of friends. I even found time on Monday to relax in a friend's pool for a while.
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* Wrap Flower Girl Gifts
* Purchase pop up tent canopy, on sale 1 day only
* Confirm actual site of wedding at the location
* Final W-M run, hopefully
* Confirm table & chair delivery
I have to admit I could not do all of this without the wonderful help of friends. I even found time on Monday to relax in a friend's pool for a while.
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5 Days
It is so close, 5 short days and it will be happening!
Now for a look at a busy Monday's to do list.
* Finish delivering food (very sidetracked at wedding location yesterday)
* Bring all purchases from attic
* Prepare final shopping list
* Confirm delivery of table and chairs
* Take program to the printer
* Scout out a "Tuesday" only sale to find which location has in stock what I need
* Find Bridesmaids gifts
* Wrap flower girl gifts
Guess I should get busy.
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Now for a look at a busy Monday's to do list.
* Finish delivering food (very sidetracked at wedding location yesterday)
* Bring all purchases from attic
* Prepare final shopping list
* Confirm delivery of table and chairs
* Take program to the printer
* Scout out a "Tuesday" only sale to find which location has in stock what I need
* Find Bridesmaids gifts
* Wrap flower girl gifts
Guess I should get busy.
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Sunday, June 12, 2011
6 Days
Wow, less than a week!
* Deliver food I bought yesterday
* Start bringing all prior purchases out of attic to take inventory
* Get a Sunday nap
Not a real busy wedding day, we have a few more routine things to do today. Our favorite will be heading out to morning worship here in just a while.
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* Deliver food I bought yesterday
* Start bringing all prior purchases out of attic to take inventory
* Get a Sunday nap
Not a real busy wedding day, we have a few more routine things to do today. Our favorite will be heading out to morning worship here in just a while.
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Saturday, June 11, 2011
7 Days
This time next week we will all be scurrying around trying to get ready for the wedding. It is so hard to believe it is almost here. We are all ready to just sit back and enjoy that special day. But before we do...
* A quick trip to our local warehouse club to purchase some of the food items to deliver to friends who will prepare it and deliver to the wedding
* Enjoy the Bridesmaid Luncheon today
* Make my shopping lists for later in the week
Enjoy what looks to be a beautiful Saturday everyone.
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* A quick trip to our local warehouse club to purchase some of the food items to deliver to friends who will prepare it and deliver to the wedding
* Enjoy the Bridesmaid Luncheon today
* Make my shopping lists for later in the week
Enjoy what looks to be a beautiful Saturday everyone.
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Friday, June 10, 2011
8 Days
So thankful nothing is back today from yesterday's list!
* Finish 1000 things at work (ok not quite that many) so I can be off until after the wedding
* Hopefully go to movies with bridesmaids - we want to go see Bridesmaids
* Hair appointment today, so it won't have that "just cut" look
I am feeling really good about the pace of items being checked off my list. But with 8 days and counting the list will surely grow longer each day.
Happy Friday everyone.
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* Finish 1000 things at work (ok not quite that many) so I can be off until after the wedding
* Hopefully go to movies with bridesmaids - we want to go see Bridesmaids
* Hair appointment today, so it won't have that "just cut" look
I am feeling really good about the pace of items being checked off my list. But with 8 days and counting the list will surely grow longer each day.
Happy Friday everyone.
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Thursday, June 9, 2011
9 Days
Well, yesterday didn't go as planned so you will see a few things from "10 days". (This will probably be a trend.)
* Confirm Bridesmaids Luncheon
* Schedule nail appointments
* Find out what is needed for sound equipment
* Begin checking weather forecast - praying for nice weather
* Double check RSVP numbers
Stay tuned to see what reappears tomorrow.
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* Confirm Bridesmaids Luncheon
* Schedule nail appointments
* Find out what is needed for sound equipment
* Begin checking weather forecast - praying for nice weather
* Double check RSVP numbers
Stay tuned to see what reappears tomorrow.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
10 Days
Ten days to go and here are today's goals:
* Finish Music Selections
* Finalize Program
* Confirm Bridesmaids Luncheon
* Schedule Nail Appointments
Stay tuned for daily updates. this might get humorous as I go crazy.
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* Finish Music Selections
* Finalize Program
* Confirm Bridesmaids Luncheon
* Schedule Nail Appointments
Stay tuned for daily updates. this might get humorous as I go crazy.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Let the countdown begin
Tomorrow will begin the final 10 day countdown to the big day. We still have all those last minute things to do, but it will all fall together.
Thankfully, the father of the bride is getting better each day. He should have no trouble walking his Little Bit down the isle. We are both so proud of the lady she has become.
I hope to do better about updating this blog after the wedding. I can't wait to share photos with everyone!
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Thankfully, the father of the bride is getting better each day. He should have no trouble walking his Little Bit down the isle. We are both so proud of the lady she has become.
I hope to do better about updating this blog after the wedding. I can't wait to share photos with everyone!
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
Well, it looks like most wedding plans had to take a back seat this week. My wonderful husband had knee surgery on Monday. What had been put off until after the wedding was quickly moved up when he developed an infection.
A normally outpatient surgery turned into 3 days in the hospital. That really wasn't what I would call a mini vacation we were wishing for. The knee operation looks to be a complete success. The infection, well it isn't doing that great. Trip to doctor yesterday led to another procedure. We really hope progress is being made to win this battle. I guess we will learn more Tuesday when we make another trip to have it checked.
On the bright side, the stay in the hospital was amazing. Great nurses and staff were there to meet any need. The friendliness of the entire staff there was so impressive.
We a ready to put this all behind us and get back to the wedding. Thanks to all our friends for the calls, cards, and visits.
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A normally outpatient surgery turned into 3 days in the hospital. That really wasn't what I would call a mini vacation we were wishing for. The knee operation looks to be a complete success. The infection, well it isn't doing that great. Trip to doctor yesterday led to another procedure. We really hope progress is being made to win this battle. I guess we will learn more Tuesday when we make another trip to have it checked.
On the bright side, the stay in the hospital was amazing. Great nurses and staff were there to meet any need. The friendliness of the entire staff there was so impressive.
We a ready to put this all behind us and get back to the wedding. Thanks to all our friends for the calls, cards, and visits.
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
Final Bridal Tea
Yesterday was the final Bridal Tea for the bride-to-be. She has been so blessed by many friends and family. It is sad to see this chapter of the wedding end. It has been a joy to watch her open each and every heartfelt gift.
This Tea was at the home of one of my closest friends and was intended for family and close friends. The bride spent most of the time laughing or crying. She cried for the first time when Mrs. Lee arrived. Mrs. Lee is a great friend of the family who the bride has only seen a couple of times since we moved 4 years ago. She said was just so happy to see someone she loves and looks up to so much. She cried again with the opening of gift from her Grandmother - they were gifts which had once belonged to her Great-Grandmother Grubbs. I will post more about that later.

Even though it is sad to see all that come to an end - I must admit I am glad to know this weekend is filled with finding a home for those new gifts in the house she will share with the groom once they marry. The groom has been living there since last July and he is learning to adapt to new items showing up each week.
I have cherished these times and can't believe in less than 4 weeks she will be married.
This Tea was at the home of one of my closest friends and was intended for family and close friends. The bride spent most of the time laughing or crying. She cried for the first time when Mrs. Lee arrived. Mrs. Lee is a great friend of the family who the bride has only seen a couple of times since we moved 4 years ago. She said was just so happy to see someone she loves and looks up to so much. She cried again with the opening of gift from her Grandmother - they were gifts which had once belonged to her Great-Grandmother Grubbs. I will post more about that later.
Even though it is sad to see all that come to an end - I must admit I am glad to know this weekend is filled with finding a home for those new gifts in the house she will share with the groom once they marry. The groom has been living there since last July and he is learning to adapt to new items showing up each week.
I have cherished these times and can't believe in less than 4 weeks she will be married.
Friday, May 20, 2011
The bride to be received a true gift from the heart this Sunday. My mother made her a beautiful quilt as a wedding gift. She will treasure it always. I treasure the many quilts I am blessed to have. I have one from Mama Trammell (my mom's mother), numerous that my mother made - one we even made together many years ago, I also have several my husband's grandmother made Grandmother Grubbs and I made one of those together as well.
I have never had the love of quilting that my mother has. I haven't given up that one day that quilting bug might bite me too. Here is a photo of the beautiful quilt my mother made for her only granddaughter's wedding.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Bridal Portraits
The BIG day is quickly approaching. Earlier this week my little girl took my breath away. It was seeing her in THE dress, complete with the bells a whistles. Hair, makeup, nails, jewelry, shoes - all together - nothing out of place - ready for the dress rehearsal.
Last year, I had was the lucky winner of a giveaway by Pierson Portraits. We were ultra-excited. We happen to know the photographer and think she is very talented. I asked, knowing the big day was to come, if I could wait and use the session for bridal portraits. Thankfully, she is so easy to work with, and said yes.
We can't wait to see these photos. The bride and I are sure there will be too many great photos to choose from. Just a few short weeks and these plans will just be a memory. I hope to cherish the next 36 days and make wonderful memories to last her a lifetime.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Proud mother
As I think about Mother's Day, I have many great memories. Some of those are with my mother and so as a mother. I felt very blessed this Mother's Day weekend.
The decision had been made month's ago to take my mother-in-law out to dinner. My thoughtful husband said he thought his mother would like Kabuto's. (And I think she did.)
The plans had been for just my Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, my husband, and I to go. The kids have such busy lives, we didn't expect to be able to coordinate with their schedules, so we didn't really try. Unexpectedly our son came home from working out of town a day early and our daughter didn't have to work as late as expected - so a true gift to me was a big family dinner that night.
I am thankful with all my children having going on in their lives they chose to spend some extra free time with me and with one of their Grandmother's. Thanks kids, it was a great night of memories.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Musical Table & Chairs
You would think helping our daughter plan her wedding, working full time outside the home, and trying to help my husband around the house would keep me busy. Oh, it keeps me busy alright - but if you know me, I like busy x10! I have been furniture shopping in my spare time.Actually, I have been shopping on the popular Craigslist. Craigslist is entertaining to say the least.
Back up a few years in this story. After the passing of my husband's grandmother, most of her belongings had been divided between her two daughters and her grandchildren. Her kitchen table was not spoken for and our daughter expressed an interest in having it. Long story short, dad brought the table home for her. About 4 years ago we moved into Grandmother's farmhouse. We decided the table need to go back into the kitchen. We had the chairs recovered and began using it.
Fast forward to now - daughter getting married - wants her table and chairs. She also wants an old red and white enamel table I have - to use as an island in her kitchen. This turns into shopping for a new table chairs for kitchen and a table to replace the other one.
After a few dead ends we found a lovely table and chairs on Craigslist. It is a farmhouse style and looks right at home in our kitchen. But the true gem is the table that will replace my enamel table came as surprise.
My mother in law has an old table that once was home here as well. It had been her grandmother's table. It is in need of refinishing and some TLC. Luckily we have a friend who thinks he can restore the table for us. This was such a nice surprise for her to allow us to use this table. The table is more than 100 years old, oh to be able to hear the conversations that were had around that table through the years......
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Time to plant?
Growing up we always had a vegetable garden. We worked in it as a family and enjoyed great vegetables all year long. I remember my dad planted our garden on Good Friday. I am sure we might have planted on other days some years, but for the most part we could count on being in the garden that day.
I am not sure if it was more of tradition - many older people will tell you that is a good day to plant - or if it has more to do with my dad always had that day off from work. No matter the reason - we always had a great garden. There are great memories from that time.
The local UT Extension office, I know since I am there all the time, recommends planting after April 15th. So, I guess we should be safe past any killing frost.
Now to just wait and hope to enjoy some fresh onions, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and corn.
Monday, April 18, 2011
A very blessed girl
Picture perfect would describe the cake. She absolutely adored the cake, it was made by a local baker. It was the Tiffany blue color she is using in her wedding. The bow, wedding rings, and gift tag were amazing.
Overwhelmed would be the best description of how she felt by the end of the day. She loved each and every gift, all the way down to the two matching vacuum cleaners. She can't wait to display their monogram tile. It is always so exciting to decorate with all the wonderful gifts received.
She is now just one step closer to walking down the isle, two months from today. I wish her only the happiest of days as she makes this transition to becoming a wife.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Love the smells of spring
The windows are open and the springtime air is filling the house! I am very thankful to live in a house surrounded may so many springtime flowers. The daffodils have bloomed, our lilac bush is in full bloom, the thrift is blooming and dozens of tulips are at their peek. There is one lone purple iris in bloom today. I am sure others will follow in just a few days.
May favorite of all the springtime flowers has yet to bloom - the peony. It always seems to bloom around mother's day. I love the pale pink ones the best. A vase of those always makes the house smell so nice.
Now, back to enjoying my spring.
Friday, April 1, 2011
The little things
The bride to be and I have begun working on some of the little things for the big day. Tonight we found napkins she loves at a pretty good deal. I have found a coupon to use to purchase the remainder of the napkins.
We also purchased a couple of scrapbooks on clearance, we will use these for her memory books for her wedding and for her showers. All the books need are just a little creative work. included in these books will be they guest registries.
One flower girl dress is completed thanks to a friend who is a very talented seamstress. The other should be completed soon, I just need to get measurements of that precious little girl.
The big day will be here before we know it and it will all be a beautiful memory.
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Saturday, March 19, 2011
Love a sale?
Here is your chance for this weekend only. Check out this deal my girl wrote about on her blog, Math: Know Your Limits.
Now, out to enjoy this beautiful weather.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Learning all the rules
Using coupons has truly been a learning experience. You have to learn the lingo and all the rules. Each store chain has a different set of rules, some change from location to location.
It is a good idea to ask at the service desk of your favorite stores. Remember to ask about rain check policies too. One of my favorite stores issues rain checks and will note on there if you have a coupon that will expire before the item is expected to be in stock.
Just had a great quick trip to the store tonight, spent $17 saved $23 and purchased a $50 gas card for $40. Total savings for the night....$33. Not bad for a quick trip.
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It is a good idea to ask at the service desk of your favorite stores. Remember to ask about rain check policies too. One of my favorite stores issues rain checks and will note on there if you have a coupon that will expire before the item is expected to be in stock.
Just had a great quick trip to the store tonight, spent $17 saved $23 and purchased a $50 gas card for $40. Total savings for the night....$33. Not bad for a quick trip.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Just my opinion - take it or leave it

I love to try new things and I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the Purex Insiders I have loved Purex products for quite some time. I recently tried their Purex Complete 3-in-1 sheets on a recent trip to the mountains. I knew where we were staying would have a washer and dryer in the room and loved being able to do all the laundry before returning home.
The product I received last week to try was Purex Complete Crystals Softener. I was a little skeptical about adding them to the wash before starting the washer. The crystals dissolve in the wash infusing fabrics with freshness. I used the sample bottle I received in the mail and also purchased another with my free coupon. The scent I purchased was Lavender Blossom, and boy do I love that scent. The scent mild with just a hint of lavender. My clothes and towels maintain the fresh scent for days. That is a great plus in book.
Knowing you love free things as much as I do - they have hinted they will send me a few coupons to share with my readers. Leave a comment and you just might get a coupon. And you know I would love to see more people use coupons.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Dress Fitting
Watching our daughter prepare for her wedding is been sheer joy. This week I went with her for the first dress fitting. She found her dress at Sugar Drop. We met with an amazing lady, Ann, to make the alterations for her dress and veil.
Each time I see our daughter in the bridal gown she chose I am more and more convinced she chose the perfect gown for her. She was absolutely stunning it in yesterday. She was able to try on her jewelry with the dress and her shoes - oh, those shoes are just too cute. I know I am biased, every mother thinks her daughter is the prettiest bride ever. I am realistic and know she probably won't be the most beautiful ever - but she will look amazing.
The one thing I noticed yesterday was the smile that she could not get off her face each time she looked in the mirror. Just a little more than 3 months until her big day - and there is still so much to do. But, we are on schedule with our to-do list which makes us both happy!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Coupon Workshop Part 2
Here are just a few things I have learned couponing. I will be happy to help anyone get started or organized. It can be a little overwhelming.
- Decide it is work the time - if not don't go any farther - stop now
- Decide if you want use lots of coupons or just a select few - like diapers and detergents
- Once you decide you want to go big - get a binder with pocket dividers and baseball card slots
- If you want to start small -get an accordion file
- Get the Sunday paper, and have a friend save you theirs
- Clip your coupons each week - don't get behind - you will feel overwhelmed
- Check the sale papers and see what's a good deal and you have a matching coupon
- Print coupons off the web - there are many great sites - send me a message and I can send you my favorites
- If you are on Facebook follow some saving or frugal type pages
- Visit more than one store for sales - I usually shop two
- Know the store coupon policy - some double, some take competitior coupons as well
- Visit websites of people who match sales with coupons currently out there
- Be realistic - some weeks you will save major money and some you won't
- Most of all, do it because you enjoy it - or you won't stick with it
I am not sure any of this will help you, but know I have saved about 50% on my grocery bill the past two months. Some weeks I have save 75% some like this week only about 34%. I am okay with a 34% week. Many of this week's purchases never go on sale and never have coupons - but that doesn't mean we don't need them.
Happy couponing!
Coupon Workshop Part 1
If you have been following my blog, you know I have made an extra effort this year to take advantage of coupons. I intent is to be more purposeful with our family's money. I noticed a post on a friend's wall on Facebook a few weeks ago about a free coupon workshop she had attended and recommended to everyone. I looked the website for the presenter and found she would be in my area in February. I signed up and singed up a good friend too.
As you know, we have seen our fair share of snow this winter and the workshop was snowed out. Not to fear, she rescheduled for this past week. So, my frugal friend and I headed off on night this past week - pumped up to be filled with new knowledge on how to use our coupons more wisely.
The presenter shared her story of why she couponed and how much savings she reaps from her work. She claims she only spends an hour of week on couponing, a fact we find hard to believe. She purchases 10! Sunday papers each week and clips all the coupons from them. She might just spend a hour - but I would imagine she utilizes her 6 kids for that same hour. She does shop multiple stores and matches up sales to the coupons. This would also have to had time to her week. But maybe she is superwoman and can get all this done in an hour. If so, she didn't share those secrets.
Everything else she shared in the workshop was not new knowledge to me. She might have shared something I wasn't aware of - but considering she was talking 90mph the entire night - I probably just missed it. (It could have been the two kids behind us kicking our chairs that distracted us.)
I went eager to learn and left feeling let down. I don't mean for this post to be a gripe session - just more of a we don't always find what we seek. It has taught me a little more patience and endurance. I will continue to seek more coupon knowledge. There is another workshop by another presenter in our area again soon and I hope to attend it.
Next post will be about some of the things I have learned the past two months I have dedicated a little extra time to couponing.
PS - Coupons are available for more than just groceries. Last night we ate dinner with a coupon and took advantage of 1/2 price appetizer time. Saved $13.77 on our total bill - three members of our family ate for $28.42, two ate shrimp and one ate grilled chicken.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Coupon Workshop
Tonight I attended a free coupon workshop with my friend Becca. As soon as my head quits spinning from the speaker talking so fast and I am able to process everything she shared, I will share some cool tips. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
A Hard Transition

We have traveled many miles in our van. Many hours of vhs movies have been watched. In 1999 not many vehicles had a television and vcr. I guess we were a little ahead of the game with that. Those were just great a great bonus to our van for traveling. We traveled as far as Texas, Florida and Maine in our trusty old van. It will truly be missed.
We headed out to the same dealership we had purchased the van (and two other vans and my latest car, the Ford Flex, that I love). We really had no idea what we were planning to buy. Our main goal was to find something economical, a.k.a. cheap, and fuel efficient. We looked at everything from a Ford Fiesta to a Ford Mustang. Okay, I know a Mustang was not cheap or fuel efficient - but a really cool car.
After looking at several options the van was replaced a by a cute little 2011 Ford Focus. The best feature of the Focus - well the gas mileage of course. It is currently averaging 33-34 mpg and we only have 170 mi
les on it so far. This is a little more than double the ga
s mileage of the van. Hopefully this will help offset the cost of the car. It will just take my wonderful husband some getting used to. He will probably miss the van more than any of us.

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wedding excitement
I have always knowing my children would grow up and one day marry, but one of those days is getting closer to becoming a reality. The date June 18, 2011, sounded so far off when it was planned back in December of 2009, now not so far away.
Plans happening everywhere I look. Wedding bands were ordered by the happy couple this past week. One is already in and is beautiful! Invitations should be here in about a week. Flower girls dresses are being made. One ring bearer's outfit located - just need to confirm a size. Probably the biggest excitement - the first dress fitting is just around the corner.
This is one of those times when I remember to be thankful for friends. A couple of great friends recently offered to take a time consuming task off my hands. Such great treasures friends are! Other friends have offered to help the day before and the day of the big event. I have learned - it takes a small army to pull off a wedding - well that or a small fortune. I am thankful to have an army of friends!
Now, if I could only remember what else I am forgetting to do for this wedding......
Saturday, February 19, 2011
A Great Find
One of the envelopes we received a Christmas card in this year really caught my eye. It had the most unusual return address design on it. It was a circle shape with the couple's last name in the center with their actual address listed on an outer circle.

After talking to the blushing bride in our house - we decided we would love a similar style stamp for her use on her invitations. It would be a way to add her accent color to the invitations and all of the thank you notes she writes.
Being the techie geeks we are - we turned to the internet to find where to order these type cool stamps. That really didn't work well. We found 4 local retailers that supposedly carried these stamps. The first three were out of business and the last - well they really didn't want our business. In our frustration - we commented on our wild goose chase on Twitter.
Amazingly, within minutes I had a response from one of my followers - actually a coworker in another city. He knew where I needed to look for my stamp. Just a few electronic communications later we had this design.

You too can have one of these cool stamps! Just check out Idigitalscrap for all the other cools things she can design for you. The designs are endless, and best of all, custom made for you! We could not be happier with our stamp.
Friday, February 18, 2011
This week was a sad time for our family. It was time for a memory filled out building to be torn down at our house. This building had three sections - each with its own name and purpose. It consisted of the "wash house", "wood house" and "coal house". I am sure there are many that remember when each served the purpose of their names.
I remember when we moved here in 2007 there was still coal stored in one section and wood stored in another. I cannot imagine how many coal scuttle's have been filled out of that faithful old building nor how many ricks of wood have been house in the other section.
Now as for the area called the wash house - I don't ever remember Grandmother Grubbs washing clothes out there. I am every so thankful to only remember washing machines in which to launder clothes.
In recent years the building was where you went when you need any bolt, nut, screw, nail, brad, staple or maybe even a plug to put in an old foot tub. Most of those items were stored in a re-purposed containers. There were countless old baby food jars, empty coffee cans or handmade wooden boxes.
The reality was that though it was full of memories, and such a part of us - was falling down. You could see into it from most any angle from the missing boards. So, for safety's sake, my husband had the sad task of tearing it down. There is now a void where memories once stood - but the great thing of about memories - is no one can take those from us.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Birthday Girl

Today is one of those days I have looked forward to all week. I think we miss being excited about each day and the joy it can bring us. Today is the day my sister and I will celebrate my mother's birthday with her. Mother's actual birthday is not until Monday, February 14th.
That day is very fitting to be my mother's birthday. She has such a love of life and of those around her. She is strong, courageous, brave, loving, giving, patient, kind, diligent, understand, and the list could go on and on.
I am very thankful for my mother and I look forwarding to spending the day with her! Happy Birthday Mom.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Another snow
Now - if all those school kids will stop wishing for sn
ow and doing all those things they believe will bring the snow. So, no more wearing pj's inside out, putting the white crayon in the freezer or flushin
g ice cubes kids.
I keep checking the fence beside the driveway for my buttercups to peak through the ground. I know they will soon.....

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Time is flying by
I can't believe it is the end of January. Time is passing so quickly it seems. I am trying to cherish every moment of helping my daughter plan her wedding.
In less than 5 months she will walk down the isle. I hope to make this big event everything she wants it to be. We have many of the plans complete - now to just make those plans happen.
Mission for the week - order the invitations. I think she has them all ready to order -but they will get one more look before we click on "add to my cart".
I just can't imagine how she grew up to be such a great woman - I know I was watching - but how did it happy so quickly?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Snow is predicted again tonight. I hope it does if for no other reason but I love the pureness of the new fallen snow. If it doesn't snow, well, that's no big deal either. The rain we are receiving will help the water table.
With all the new social media sites, 24/7 news stations, constant text messages available from local news and weather stations - it seems we are a society obsessed with the weather. There are those who don't want it to snow again and those who wish it would snow a foot. It really doesn't matter what we want - we aren't in control.
I love all types of weather - I guess that makes me seems strange to some people. I love the heat of summer as much as the cold of winter. I love the smell of rain and the light touch of snowflakes falling.
I just wish people would quit complaining about the weather - we can't change it - we must learn to accept it and be thankful for it.
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Saturday, January 22, 2011
A Night of Savings
After a day of being snowed in, it was time to head out for an adventure. So, after dinner my wonderful husband and daughter headed off shopping with me. I had my coupons in tow.
With wedding in our daughter's near future, savings is the new name of the game. We want her wedding to be amazing and everything she wants. She and I have clipped coupons, watched for sales and watched every clearance bin we can find. We are doing quite well. I am sure this fact makes dad very happy, he just won't admit it.
Here is a little run down of our savings for the night.
Hobby Lobby, supplies for favors, coupon, 7.88 spent, 5.25 saved
JoAnn Fabrics, supplies for favors, coupon, 6.49 spent, 2.73 saved
JC Penny's, Bride's shoes, clearance find, 8.74 spent ,35.15 saved
Hallmark Store, card, rewards certificate , .94 spent, 1.98 saved
Bath & Body Works, hostess gifts, coupon, 1.09 spent, 8.23 saved
Publix, groceries, coupons & store sales, 21.29 spent, 35.15 saved
Totals 47.11 spent 88.52 saved
That is approximately a 65% savings! I can honestly say we did not purchase one thing that was not needed or extravagant. Hope this inspires someone else to use a coupon, watch for sales, or check out a clearance sale.
Almost forgot, my savings doesn't include the four rolls of Christmas wrapping paper for daughter to have next year. The four rolls were each $4.99 originally - on sale for $0.49 each! We love 90% off clearance.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Coupon crazy - updated
One of my new year goals was to take advantage of coupons, free samples and other offers. My coupons were bulging in my plastic organizer. I decided it was time for a coupon organization intervention.
I spent 9.98 plus tax to get organized. I recycled a binder here at the house and purchased two packages of baseball card protectors for three ring binders. Oh, and about an hour of time organizing them.
I spent 9.98 plus tax to get organized. I recycled a binder here at the house and purchased two packages of baseball card protectors for three ring binders. Oh, and about an hour of time organizing them.
I found a free coupon workshop to be held on February 7th at 6:00 p.m. It will be in White House - leave me a comment if you want more information. I plan to go and would love for you to go too! If that date/time is not good for you - there is one just about every week in the Nashville or Middle Tennessee area.
I think this will not only help with shopping but with collecting coupons. I decided to organize the binder by the layout of the store I shop at most often. This seemed to work well today. All except for the two isles I had mixed up on in my mind.
So, today's outcome...well worth it.
$16.45 in manufacturer's coupons
$5.00 in doubled coupons
$35.73 in store savings
$57.18 total savings 41% off my total bill
$87.14 was my final bill.
I definitely will keep using my binder. I was able to use unplanned coupons with some amazing store sales.
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I think this will not only help with shopping but with collecting coupons. I decided to organize the binder by the layout of the store I shop at most often. This seemed to work well today. All except for the two isles I had mixed up on in my mind.
So, today's outcome...well worth it.
$16.45 in manufacturer's coupons
$5.00 in doubled coupons
$35.73 in store savings
$57.18 total savings 41% off my total bill
$87.14 was my final bill.
I definitely will keep using my binder. I was able to use unplanned coupons with some amazing store sales.
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Monday, January 10, 2011
Snow Day
One small patch of the pond not covered in ice.
Lower pond still has several patches not frozen.
Obie is loving the patch of ground where a truck was parked.
And Reba, well she's making some yellow snow.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Shopping Smarter
I have always considered myself a smart shopper. But one of my New Years goals is to become a better shopper. I am clipping coupons, matching them with sales, downloading coupons, and signing up for free samples.
I have yet to buy coupons but I haven't ruled that out yet. So far this week I have purchased toothpaste and shampoo for only the sales tax. One grocery shopping trip this week I saved 45% of my total bill. That was a personal best at the grocery for me.
My largest savings this week was at Hobby Lobby. Not only did I purchase items to make wedding favors at 50% off but I found Christmas items were 90% off. The giant wreath I wanted for the front of our barn had been $149.00. I paid $14.90 plus tax. Talk about major savings.
With a wedding in a little over 5 months for our wonderful daughter, I am sure all those savings will be put to good use.
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I have yet to buy coupons but I haven't ruled that out yet. So far this week I have purchased toothpaste and shampoo for only the sales tax. One grocery shopping trip this week I saved 45% of my total bill. That was a personal best at the grocery for me.
My largest savings this week was at Hobby Lobby. Not only did I purchase items to make wedding favors at 50% off but I found Christmas items were 90% off. The giant wreath I wanted for the front of our barn had been $149.00. I paid $14.90 plus tax. Talk about major savings.
With a wedding in a little over 5 months for our wonderful daughter, I am sure all those savings will be put to good use.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Today has been one of those days that make me realize how precious friendships can be. I am thankful to have several close friends. There are four women that I count as true gifts! I have talked to or been with them all today. That helps make what could be looked at as a bad day - a good day. To me, any day fill with friends is a good day!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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