Saturday, December 26, 2009

All grown up

Wow, after looking at some pictures we took at Christmas this year I realize how grown up our kids have gotten. I realize I was there as it was happening - but sometimes pictures not only say 1000 words - they scream at you.

I had no idea our son was now tall than his father. I look taller than our daughter - but that has to do with shoes. I think we are about the same. Looks like the apples don't fall too far from the tree.

It has been wonderful spending time with both of them the past few days. Mainly I am thankful that they actually seem to want to spend time with their parents. AMAZING for kids their ages. Maybe it was just the bribery of the gifts. (giggle, giggle)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Home for the Holidays

After watching the Hallmark commercials all my life, I am now experiencing that warm feeling of finally having everyone home for the holidays. Our son made it home safely today from Fort Sam Houston. We are thankful for his commitment to serve our country and his dedication to the Army National Guard.

As much as we are enjoying having him home for a couple of weeks our hearts go out to those who are not able to be home with their families. There are so many who are stationed away during this time.

Thanks to all who are protecting our freedom and willing to give their all! Our family prays for your safe return back to your family.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Well worth the wait!

So many things never live up the the anticipation that precedes it. The Pioneer Woman and her cookbook were well worth the wait! I have been reading/addicted to her blog for about two years now.

When she began her cookbook I knew I would have to have one. It was well worth the wait, it is more than a cookbook, it is a snapshot into her life. And job security for heart surgeons everywhere.

I was ultra excited to know she would stop on her Griswold Book Tour in Nashville. A friend from highschool and I have reconnected via Facebook and both planned to attend. We had a great time and were joined by other bloggers for dinner and what seemed like 6,789,432 of our closest friends at the book signing.

Luckily we had visited the book store a few weeks ago to purchase our coveted books and obtain our group 3 ticket. I can't imagine if we had been in group 18!

Now, back to cooking - I think the next recipe I will try will be the bacon wrapped meatloaf. If I can quit making those biscuits long enough.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The little things

So many of my Facebook friends named things they were thankful for each day in November. I am thankful for so many little things - that when you think about them are BIG things....

healthy children
a wonder and loving husband
great friends
the friendship of my children
a warm and cozy home
faithful dogs - who bark at everyone who drives up
a good job
being able to cook

Most of all I am thankful for a loving God who had a hand in all those blessings listed above.
